505 Hamilcar

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Photo 1
Author: Ship Hunters collection
Location: (BE) Zeebrugge
Date: 09/07/2005

Administrative data Technical data
name: 505 Hamilcar
commissioned: 1974
flag: Tunisia
dimensions: 56.80 x 8.16 x 2.50 m
type: "Albatros" class (type 143) fast attack craft
specs: crew: 35
speed: 38.50 kn

former name(s): new name(s):
P6115 Sperber (S65) ('76-'05) (German Navy) No known new names

We also have pictures of this vessel under the folowing name(s).

Extra info:
No known important extra info

Converted? This vessel has not been converted.
Museum? No
Decommissioned? This vessel was still active on 01/08/2019
Scrapping? N/A
Severely damaged? No